Jumat, 03 Mei 2013

Hazards Cigarettes For Health Teenagers


Author: Rizky Faturochman, student at the University of General Soedirman
    Cigarette is a cylinder of paper length sized between 70 to 120 mm (varies depending on the country) with a diameter of about 10 mm, which contains  leaves tobacco that has been minced and burnt on one end, then left to simmer so that the smoke can be inhaled through the mouth at the other end. This view is of course is to explain the overall characteristics of a cigarette in general. Cigarettes are usually sold in a package or box-shaped paper packaging that can be incorporated easily into a pocket. Since last few years, these packs are also generally accompanied by health messages that warn smokers of the health hazards that may result from smoking  , such as lung cancer or a heart attack (although in reality it is just a decoration, it is seldom obeyed).
      Cigarettes contain thousands of harmful chemicals. these substances can lead to health disorders. among thousands of the most dangerous substances are nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide.  Nicotine is a toxic chemical element, has a composition such as alkali (Sue 1991). Element is the most widely influence the smoker. 60 grams of this element, at the same time to humans when administered via injection in a vein, is enough to turn it off. Nicotine raises blood pressure and heart rate to speed up the heart to work harder and disrupt the nervous system and brain. Tar is a collection of various chemical substances derived from tobacco leaf itself, and is added to the tobacco in the cigarette as well as agricultural and industrial materials other cigarette makers (Jeanne Mandagi, 1996). Therefore, the amount of tar contained in cigarettes is what associated with the risk of cancer due to the tar has carcinogenic effects. Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas that is odorless at all. This gas can be encountered in the smoke released car. Carbon monoxide contained in cigarette smoke can bind itself to HB blood with oxygen due knocked out and can not be used by the body (when the body needs is oxygen). Without this oxygen, both brain and other organs can not function. Furthermore, the effect of carbon monoxide is that the network of blood vessels to narrow and harden so it can eventually lead to blockages.
       Smoking is sucking tobacco smoke is burned into the body and blow back out. smoking behavior is an activity or activities of a cigarette burn and then inhale and exhale out and can cause smoke that can be inhaled by people around. Smoking is one of the difficult problems to solve. Moreover, the issue has become a national, and even international. It becomes difficult, because it is associated with many factors that trigger each other, so it seems has become a vicious cycle. In the review of terms of health, smoking must be stopped because it causes cancer and deep vein thrombosis resulting in death, therefore smoking should be stopped as early as possible prevention efforts. Moreover, known to that the majority of smokers are teenagers so the need for early prevention that starts from the school. Smokers feel the pleasure of smoking is so real, perceived to provide a pleasant and refreshing taste that every day should be set aside money for smoking.
     In developing countries, yet education about the dangers of smoking carried out intensively. This is in addition to the cigarette industry is source of income for the country and a source of employment, as well as in most countries - developing countries, though there is funding for this, very small compared to the funds used by the company - tobacco companies to market cigarettes. Implement tobacco industry aggressive and by associating smoking with a modern lifestyle, peopleespecially adolescents are most severely affected. Most people can die due to consumption of cigarettes with excess. Initially, it was not painful, but the longer person's consumption of cigarettes, it will be a lot of diseases arise in his body. Most of the diseases that will be suffered by the person who Smoking is a disease that generally can not be cured. because of that, on the basis of reality is the author feel compelled to discuss.
   Why do teens start smoking?
      One of the reasons why new smokers continue to grow due to incessant cigarette advertising is circulating in the community, coupled with the image formed by the cigarette ads that look like people who smoke is successful and resilient people who can get through any obstacle. Advertisement, promotion or sponsor activities undertaken by the tobacco industry is a very powerful tool for influencing teens & kids.
    Research conducted by the National Commission on Children and their Hamka University in 2007 showed that 99.7% of children see television advertising, where 68% said it had a positive impression on the advertising of cigarettes and 50% said to be more confident as in advertising. For adolescents, the influence of peer relationships also contributed to contribute to the growth of new smokers. Sometimes teenagers become smokers beginners because of pressure from their friends to be accepted in the Association or that could be viewed more cool by opponents of its kind. The teens are certainly not understood properly about the dangers that can be caused by smoking or disease that could arise because of cigarettes. This is certainly should be a concern for parents to be able to give an understanding of their children.
    In teens, the short-term health problems including diseases that can arise from smoking is a breathing disorder, nicotine addiction and increased risk for the use of other harmful substances including drugs. While the long-term problem is the fact that once a person has become active smokers then smokers will usually continue to be active throughout his life.  Teens who do not smoke cigarettes could be affected. it is because he is close to his friends who smoke. The teens inhaling smoke from his friend, so it is called passive smoking.  Passive smokers are exposed to the same health effects with active smokers , so smoking harm the health of all people.  Problems caused by smoking for teenagers is affect the lungs, lowers performance & endurance, Increasing risk for lung cancer, so dangers of smoking in adolescents in other words give bad effect it early.
    Smoking habit is hard to break. You should attempt to stop smoking is the duty and responsibility of all levels of society. Information and education efforts, particularly among the younger generation, can also be associated with efforts to overcome the dangers of narcotics, school health, health education and society in general. Community role models, including officials, religious leaders, teachers, health workers, artists, and sportsmen, already should set an example by not smoking. Health professions, especially doctors, very important role in counseling and become an example for the community. This should be implemented simultaneously by all of us, who want to achieve state and nation a healthy and prosperous Indonesia.
      Descriptions that have been the author mentioned, it can be concluded that smoking is an activity that humans do stupid just to sacrifice money, health, social life, reward, positive perception and so on. Many diseases that arise due to smoking and smoking habits. There is no medicine that can cure some of these diseases, but medicine used to relieve symptoms. Therefore, there is an attempt to overcome the dangers of cigarettes, among others, with the extension efforts especially for the younger generation, prevention efforts and motivation to stop smoking, and chewing gum for smokers who are hard to stop the smoking habit. Fortunately for people who have not smoked since they include people who are smart and  very health loving.
Daftar pustaka
Armstrong, Sue. 1991. Pengaruh Rokok Terhadap Kesehatan . Jakarta : Arcan
Mandagi, Jeanne. 1996. Masalah Narkotika dan Zat Adiktif Lainnya serta Penanggulangannya. Jakarta : Bina Darma Pemuda Printing
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